Established in the year 1964, Rajkamal is a brand built by our father, Late Shri Kanji Virji Dedhia, a man of vision and strong business acumen. He started with just a mini expeller machine, then building his business, brick by brick, step by step. Today, Rajkamal enjoys the patronage of thousands of valued customers and we're thankful to each one of them. Best quality oil at the best rates to the customers' was his approach, which eventually became the mission of the brand. For over 5 decades, we have been serving our customers with quality oil in the purest form.
Our Motto
Best quality oil at the best rates to the customers
Our Belief
The harmony of a healthy mind, hearty soul and positive thoughts lead to a joyous life. All this essentially begins with healthy food. Years of nurturing & using the traditionally sound methods of extracting oil at Rajkamal explains our endeavor to stay connected with Mother Nature, and at the same time helping provide our customers with chemical free & nutrient rich oil, ensuring their overall well-being.
The Tattva of the Fire, Earth, Wind. Water and Space, is what we believe in and the same reflects in our logo. We are nothing but the land that allows the seed to grow and are proud to be the medium through which the nature's gift reaches the customer's hands!